
Professional Tutus

Professional tutus for ballet
Our professional ballet tutus born from the experience gained in making costumes for shows and essays.
Models of tutus designed to represent the repertory ballets revisited also in a modern key.
All items are tailored and therefore also sewn with needle and thread technique.
We made bodice of stretch lycra or velvet and we use only certified tulle to make  the tutulette with nine layers pinned.
We use moreover high quality fabrics, trimmings, lace and accessories for the enrichment and for the definition of bodices and tutulette.
Our goal is to satisfy the stage needs of solo dancers.
For this reason we are obviously able to create customized solutions.
Tutus designed and manufactured in Italy by the Irene Correnti Danza brand.
For any need for changes and customization, send a request to:

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